Fear and Self Loathing of Republican Women

(Stockholm Syndrome for People Bred with Fear)


“You people voted for Hubert Humphrey and you killed Jesus.”

― Raoul DukeFear and Loathing in Las Vegas, 1998

Watching this process of the Supreme Court Nomination of an accused Sexual Predator playing out over the last week has been nothing short of horrific.  One could not help but feel the raw emotion as Dr.Ford testified about her sexual assault at the hands of the man who is up for nomination to the Supreme Court.  One does not need a high IQ to realize that more data would certainly be necessary to ascertain the veracity of the claims.  As such requesting the FBI to see what data they could turn up before this person has a lifetime appointment is beyond appropriate.  Any of us would demand further investigation of such an accusation.  It really doesn’t take much care for rule of law to suggest that a Judge that will be seated on the highest court our Constitution provides would want a cleared name as he sat in judgment of our most difficult legal decisions.   Republican women have been all over the airways this week repeatedly calling for his nomination to be pushed through.  In interview after interview their rambling imbecilic statements continue the betrayal of their sisters, their mothers, and their daughters.  Each statement grew worse for its betrayal of respect for women, as well as respect for law.  The Constitution these women so readily wrap themselves in when supporting their husband’s outrage for kneeling NFL players is now distant in the rearview mirror when it comes to standing for their gender.  It is sickening to watch this complete sycophancy to men.  The pain experienced watching these obvious cowards twist any principle so they find common footing with their frightened of equality husbands is nauseating.  It is clear, we are dealing with a deluded mindset afraid of breaking free.  I would feel sorry for someone that denigrates themselves so badly, if it weren’t for the horror they cause other women.  They are the traitor inside the gates that throw those gates open to the invaders.  They throw out chaff for cover with lame positions such as their fear of Democratic plots, Hillary Clinton cabals, Soros funded activism, but the fact remains that their presence inside the fort enables all manner of invaders entry.  If not so dangerous to the country, this sycophantic self-denigration would be horrendously saddening.

What belief would you need to hold to make excuses for sexual predators?  What does your world view have to be to openly support a sexual abuser for a position of power?  What are you holding onto that you would be OK with openly telling the world that sexual predation has its rewards?  Whatever story prompts this is a very sick rendition of self-loathing.  Obviously their culture, their churches, and their husbands have indoctrinated them so badly, that they can’t even muscle up support for themselves, their sisters, their daughters, their mothers.  This self-loathing delusion was never more apparent than in the 2016 election when white women chose the dimwitted, pornographic, misogynist Trump over one of the most highly prepared individuals ever to run for President in Hillary Clinton.  I don’t understand that type of betrayal.  I don’t know what to make of a woman that would perpetuate it.  As hard as it was to stomach witnessing women betray a smart, highly educated, highly accomplished woman, this spectacle is even worse.  One could reason that women feared having such an accomplished woman on the world stage every day, because it would be a reminder of the corner they had put themselves in.  The labels and limitations they had hung on themselves.  The subjugation they had pronounced to men all their life.  Now we see the self-loathing present itself in a much sicker, more delusional way.  We see these same women denouncing the charges of one of their own, in order to advance a self-righteous man of privilege to a position he clearly showed he deserves no part of.  What hate must these women hold in their hearts when posting Hillary Clinton memes in defense of a predator?  What disdain must they have for their sisters?

What event could possibly have triggered the selling out of their gender?  What perceived slight could they have experienced that has them on the side of predators?  What life choice could have left them with no mental maneuvering that they side with misogynists?  What patterns could have been worn in their neocortex that not only doesn’t support women, but openly drags them down.  Whatever this sickness is, we must find a way to stop its contagion.  We must let young women know they are worth it.  Let them know they can achieve whatever a man can.  Let them know men that don’t respect women aren’t men.  Let them know that women that don’t respect women need to be brought up to the speed of our era.  They need to know to demand character of the women around them, and reject self-loathing sycophants that exist only for men.  They need to know their power.

I am not sure women so deluded that they attack other women, support misogynists, promote self-denigration, and openly act in ways complicit to predators have a way back to sanity or decency.  I have disassociated myself from women that display such sickness, like a quarantine from dark and dangerous energy.  I don’t want my children to see such sickness.  Don’t want them exposed to such backward pathologies. When will Republican women, start supporting women?  I doubt in my lifetime, but I do know this, to combat this sickness we must out-vote them.  Doubtful a cure is possible, but ensuring they don’t keep a strangled grip on power for their men is the only way forward.  To stamp out these ideas we must show up.  We must support women leaders, scientists, doctors, lawyers, and teachers.  We must vote in a stand for women.  We must vote in equality.  We must vote in the future, and reject the self-loathing, dogma filled past.  The self-loathing and fear will be lifted once we send the message women can contribute beyond any stereotype, beyond any dogma, beyond any box right-wing thinking locks them in.  A vote for Democratic candidates is the antidote to the fear and self-loathing.

— V. M. Smith

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