Petty, Hateful, Depraved and Most Certainly Not Christian

(I am not talking about him, I am talking about you, Trump Supporter)

Dr. Zachary Smith: “I saw my life pass before my eyes.”
Will Robinson: “That must have been a gory sight.”
Robot B9: “Danger, Danger, Will Robinson!”

Lost in Space – 1965-1968

I never really grasped the meaning of righteousness until I experienced it first-hand.  Even then, I didn’t really have words for it, I just knew that it was something seriously wrong covered up with a proclamation of “Being Right”!  The ontology of it had the feel of a cellophane tent.  It was cover, but certainly occurred very thin, and very transparent.  It was a Friday night, and I was picking up my date.  I knew her parents were religious, but was about to find out how practiced in a moment.  I knocked and the door opened to what only could be called a revival complete with guitars, tambourines, and chanting in tongues that I could not understand.  They danced around the living room, maybe 12 in all.  I got a sinking feeling in my stomach that I wasn’t going to catch that movie as planned.  I was coerced to join in, and felt compelled to behave like I somehow knew what was going on.  They would chant in gibberish, with the only word audible in the hypnotic droning was “Jesus”.  Over and over no matter how unstructured or unconjugated the language sounded, that name was the only thing discernable.  It was like running while out of breath for hours.  Until they announced it was time for coffee and cake.  “Praise the Lord”, I thought mentally blaspheming.  It didn’t take long

for the real conversation to begin, as they began pontificating of the evils of other races.  The knot in my stomach tightened, as I watched these so called Christians discuss how they couldn’t wait to throw minorities via pitchfork into the fires of Hell.  Aghast I made an excuse to leave.  Years later I was telling this strange story and a friend opened up the distinction of reality for me.  She just blurted it out.  Something I never had grasped before.  She said she despised that “Righteousness” everywhere she encountered it. Righteousness, Righteousness.  That was it.  It all became clear.  These people needed cover.  Their hate needed cover.  They could dress it up and chant it out, but their hate would shine right through the righteous cover.  This was not a worship of humanity, and all that their God created, but a cheesy worn veil to cover themselves, as they berated others.  They were complete with the shields of the righteous, how believing made them saved.  That one didn’t need behave any way, just believe what they believed, and they would be saved, as if magically believing something somehow would transport you beyond the fires of hell.  To this day the stench of righteousness still nauseates me.  Its masquerade as other qualities, and as other character and it does not fool me.  In fact the opposite.  It exposes the fraud that wields it.  I know now that we are responsible for what we created, what we generate.  One cannot help but generate what they are.  The so called Christians, who supported Cadet Bone Spurs into the White House are surely showing what they can generate.  Pettiness, ridiculing the disabled, lawmakers, law enforcement is all ok for the righteous frauds.  Hateful, while they may pretend to speak in tongues, their hateshows in their actions.  As they shout “Jesus” they put families at risk.  As they bathe in the righteousness of God Almighty, they pollute the Earth.  As they shout right to life, they defend and applaud slaughter.  As they proclaim the teachings of the least of my brothers, they shout “Build the Wall” to keep them out.  As they proclaim they love the commandments, they promote a man that shatters them.  Flaunts breaking them and makes sure he has good PR to get the word out when he does.  The Depravity he brings to the position has diminished the entire country.  Continued stories of his dalliance with Porn Stars and Bunnies makes a joke of his supporters.  The outright theft and corruption of the administration in broad daylight flouting their ability to hijack rules and norms of decency.  The outright incompetence is par for the course of these people, who are willing to lie to cover any graven misdeed.  If the fraud of the righteously thin veils is not revealed to you by now, you simply are complicit in not seeing.  See, you made him.  As surely as Dr. Frankenstein pulled that lever catching the lightning jolting the monster to life, your lies, your depravity, your hypocrisy, your bigotry, your hatefulness, pettiness, smallness, fear and insecurity all provided the jolt in the voting booth to bring this abomination to power.  He is your reflection.  This is what you, pulling that lever, created.  You can dance, and tap and sing, and dodge, and distract all you want, but your exposure is bare.  What is, is what you created.  Your inner thoughts manifested in this man.  In this behavior.  Your lack of integrity exposed for all the world to see.  Every lie, every deflection, every petty insult, you own.  It is your reflection.  It is you.  It is not kind.  It does not love.  It is hypocrisy, and fraud, and cowardice, and pettiness, and smallness, and you breathed life into it.  It is a thin cover for Christianity, but it is not Christian.

“Danger, Danger, Will Robinson!”

V.M. Smith

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